Date of Sermon: October 6, 2013
Main Idea: Worship should reflect Scripture truth and cultural sensitivity Key Verse: "For a man ought not to cover his head, since he is the image and glory of God, but woman is the glory of man." 1 Corinthians 11:7 Bible Reading: 11 Nevertheless, in the Lord woman is not independent of man nor man of woman; 12 for as woman was made from man, so man is now born of woman. And all things are from God. 13 Judge for yourselves: is it proper for a wife to pray to God with her head uncovered? 14 Does not nature itself teach you that if a man wears long hair it is a disgrace for him, 15 but if a woman has long hair, it is her glory? For her hair is given to her for a covering. 16 If anyone is inclined to be contentious, we have no such practice, nor do the churches of God Outline: I. Submission: not Necessarily Inferiority (11-13) A. Man and woman interdependent (11) B. Man and woman equal in God=s eyes (12) C. Submission enhances our relationship with God (13) II. Submission: Argument from Nature (14-15) A. Cultural markers for men (14) B. Cultural markers for women (15) III. Submission: Argument from Teaching in the Church (16) |